Waldviertler Schmalspurbahnverein (Alt Nagelberg - Heidenreichstein)
Also in Gmund you can find a narrow-gauge railways club, simular to other rails. The club rents a steam
399.03 in depot Gmünd (photo Daniel Brabenec 3rd May 1997) |
Also in Gmund you can find a narrow-gauge railways club, simular to other rails. The club rents a steam locomotive
399.03 from State railways and makes with it incidental rides into Litschau and Heidenreichstein. When the operation
on divagation branche Alt Nagelberg - Heidenreichstein ended this club took care of this rail in January 1993 for
it´s saving. From 1st January 1997 the club has this rail rented from ÖBB. ÖBB had one condition of agreement
- paying machines stationary in Alt Nagelberg and that´s why all the machines are form 28th February 1997
concentrated in Heidenreichstein.
The club succeed in getting two-axles diesel locomotives and four undercarriages from former NDR. This locomotive
marked as Ns2h-1 become chief operational support after gauge-changing from 750 mm to 760 mm in 1994 in ŽOS České
Velenice. On two acquired undercarriages there were made open passanger coaches (marked WSV 3001 and 3002) and on
the third one there was made a freight vagon.
The club also operates field rail from June 1995. The rail however begins on the end of municipality in 0,4 km.
The club has bought another two-axles diesel locomotive named Evely in former NDR in 1996. Then the club acquired
two locomotives on 17th July in 1997: diesel loco named Jenbach from Stainz here renamed Christa and steam loco
of the class 170.1 named Maxi.
Except ordinary rides you can also order trains with steam or diesel machine for special charge.