Locomotive No. 131 (17E3, manufactured No. 4443) with the set
of LOWA wagons in operating control point M2 near Svatava
This firm for the transport of all of exhausted materials (brown coal,
overburden) uses railway with 900 mm gauge. If we take a train on the Czech
Railway's line No. 140 in the direction Cheb, this railway net is situated
on the right side roughly from stop Královské Poříčí to stop Hlavno.
In the centre of this narrow gauge railway complex is Svatava. The net is
composed of stabil main lines (about 250 km), which are usually double- or
multi-track, and movable lines (about 200 km). The routes of movable lines
are changed according mining advance. All of track (excepting some of
servis tracks) are electrified with the direct-current system 1500 V.
Traffic is controlled from 25 operating control points. This points are
equipped with interlocking system WSSB Berlin (3 points), AŽD Praha
(16 points) and 6 points are equipped with self-made interlocking. Tracks
between control points are equipped with automatic block, there is also
two-way working triple-track line!
Locomotive No. 192 (17E6, manufactured No. 0307)
with set of LH wagons in the Marie quarry |
To the quarry or spoil bank usually leads
double-track line. Train running is safeguarded only on stabil lines, which
are controlled from pertinent operating control point. Before the run-out
place from reach of operating control point, engine driver must be informed
about the number of trains before him. Double-track line is termined with
self-reversible point. Over the point engine driver can run at the time,
when all of trains before pass him. Then hi run to single-track below
excavator or overburden dumping machine.
Traffic is controlled according to instructions D-D1 "Signal instructions
for mine railways" and D-D2 "Operating control instructions for mine
railways". This instructions are compared to similar instructions of Czech
Railways slightly diverse. The basic diversity is, that currently pushed
trains run here (maximum speed of all trains here is 30 km/h). Therefore
some of semaphores are accepted for the beginning of train, the others for
the beginning of engine. There are utilized, that there are running sets of
wagons with the same length. The set constituted of engine and fixed number
of wagons is constant. It is changed only at the time, when some of wagons
or engine is going to repair.
Owing to this specialities the lengthy shunting
with engine from one to another end of the set of wagons doesn't be maked.
Locomotive No. 133 below overburden dumping machine
Z 1650/14 in internal waste dump of Medard quarry
Therefore some elemental operations, e. g. stationary brake test (wagons are
continuously braked), doesn't be maked. Train number is coincident with
the number of engine. That's why in train record book the same train appears
many times a day.
Amount of traffic there is uniquely high. In some of operating control
points is daily run higher then in Czech Railways' stations with the highest
volume of traffic. In addition the daily run is distributed almost uniformly
in the course of whole day. But there is almost shunting not existed (possibly
excepting maintenance departements).
The base of engine stock consist of electric locomotives type Škoda 17E,
which are manufactured in Škoda Plzeň and SMZ Dubnica nad Váhom. This engines
was manufactured in years 1958-1967. This locomotives are used for overburden
trains (consisted of 8 wagons type LH) and coal trains (consisted of 6 wagons
type LOWA). In load direction average mass of this trains is 400 - 500 tons.
Diesel locomotive No. 103 in Svatava
For work trains traction are used locomotives Series T29.O
manufactured in ČKD Sokolovo Prague or TS Martin in years 1960-1971. Trains
are manipulated only by engine driver, on engine operation position can be
fixed number of rightful persons (in engine type 17E can be 5 persons
inclusive engine driver).
Regarding all the time keep changing location of mining, the railway lines'
layout is considerably changed. Extent of the railway net is all the time
keep down - it is consequence of mining decay. In the past there was several
discharging places, now coal trains run only to one place (Central coal
separating plant Tisová - north bunker). Trains to this coal separating plant
take a route directly through Citice village. The amount of coal transport
is lowly than the amount of overburden transport. Waste rock is transported
to waste dump, where the terrain is prepared for recultivation. In the future
mining decay is going to continue. Mining on locality Medard and Libík
(south-west from Svatava) can be ended at the beginning of next century.
Locomotive No. 342 (17E8, manufactured No. 0370)
in operating control point M1 near Svatava
Coal mining in this area of west Bohemia is probably definitively going
to end about year 2020 (after closing of Marie quarry - eastly from Svatava).
Then the recultivation is yet going to slip. This railway is perhaps going
to participate on the recultivation. Then evidently this unique narrow
gauge railway will come to extinction.